In the fall, Mark and I separated the girls and guys in youth group. I got the chance to share with the girls. I was VERY nervous about this and felt very inadequate! I have only boys and have NEVER taught a teen girl class before. I some times feel I don't relate to them :) Girls can be so catty (like me) and wimpy, it drives me nuts! I always remember my friend Tara (she has 4 girls) and whenever her girls fell or got "hurt",,,, she'd just say "Be tough". I loved that, thinking "Yeah!! Non-wimpy girls!" So I prepared, searched for info, prayed and studied on what to share with the girls. I found a useful course on line and worked with that. I changed it around and filled in where I thought it needed. I went into the first class really nervous!!! When I started,, I had the weeks counted down til I was done. As each week moved on, though, I began to really enjoy the girls and the time with them! They all have different personalities and some I "get along" with better, but they're all so unique and a GREAT bunch of girls! I actually started to enjoy it and loved the time with them. So neat to see the Lord change my heart and cause me to enjoy it. I still get nervous as I'm not a natural speaker and still feel I don't totally relate to them as I only am raising boys,, but I love the chance the Lord's given me! Once we finished our 8 or 9 lessons,, we went back to meeting together with the guys . The girls actually were disappointed to stop meeting as girls! I was SO shocked and honored,, hehe! So we decided to meet once a month. The great thing about this, as I prepare for our lessons, I am learning and being SO challenged in my life! Teaching is a great way to learn and be challenged yourself!
This next few months together,, I'm going through the book, Words that hurt Words that heal by Carole Mayhall. What a GREAT, CHALLENGING book on the tongue and our speech! The Lord is sooo using it for me as I prepare for each lesson. Today is the first lesson and it's on whether my tongue is a fountain or babbling brook. Do my words show depth and wisdom as a fountain, or are they just babbling helter skelter as a brook does? Ugh, so convicting! I feel I'm going to get the MOST challenged from these lessons as girls!!!
I am so proud of you