Thursday, February 4, 2010

Learning my man

I have learned over the years what Mark's "love language" is.  He enjoys quality time.  At times, I have to "force" myself as it may interfere with MY time.  I may be in the middle of making supper or some other project  when Mark wants to sit for 10 minutes and share coffee.  It helps me to remember that this is his love language and feels valued when I spend that time with him.  Many times I have failed in this area (I can multitask but he wants my full attention) and am regretful of that!  So for this Birthday I suggested we go away for the night.  We were given a gift card for Christmas and what perfect way to spend it than go away for the night!?!?  So we tried to figure out where to go, and decided on Niagra Falls.  Neither of us have been there and it's not too far to be away.  I must get packing and making the many lists for the boys to do while we're gone.  I'll have to share how it goes when we get back :)

1 comment:

  1. Thas is FUNNY I wrote about love languages on my blog without knowing you had!
