Thursday, September 23, 2010

Seasons of Change

Gone are the days of afternoon coffee with Mark.  He's now gone all morning at school and then windows until supper.  How those times were sweet together.

The cooler weather brings change to our home. 

Evenings, you can hear the buzz of a chain saw off in the distance.  If you get closer to the buzz,  you will hear chopping and boy's voices.

It's wood time at the Philbricks!  This is our heat for the winter.

All must work together to keep us warm for the next 5-6 months!  What a time of closeness as we work together.

 All the seasons bring change.  Change is a part of life.  It's how we cherish the change and time together that counts.    What a joyful time together,, sweating, working and bonding!  I love fall!


  1. I LOVE fall!! (Hey, what is that reddish plant behind your table and chairs. That's really pretty.)

  2. It's a coleus. It's one of the pots I got at the Amish auction down there. They look so pretty, just wish they lasted all year!
