Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Finished Projects

This weekend two boys were sick.
It was kind of a bummer as it was our Mission's Conference
at church.  Because my fella and boys were singing, I was
the one who "got" to stay home.
I decided to use this quiet time at home to finish
some projects.

I love jumping in and starting projects but
for some reason, I get to the end and fizzle out.
The stack of skirts I started last week all sit
waiting all hemmed and ready, except they all need zippers.
Come on girl, get those zippers in!

Well, I used this past weekend to finish the dolls I started
and to finish the last sock.
I'm so excited to announce,,
I did it!
They're done!  Yippee Skippee!

The dolls just waited for some beautiful locks
to warm their cold, bald heads.
They were supposed to be man and wife but the wife came
out rather small so now they are Mom and daughter.
This actually took alot longer than I thought but I enjoyed
the process.  Their look came alive.

I then finished the toe part of the last sock.
I found out during the second sock that I did the first one wrong.
Oh well, when I wear them and see the mistakes I'll
see them as my first pair that I conquered.
I found that I totally enjoy making socks.
I actually started another pair last night!

The book is from the library.  I love the system our library
has.  I find titles I might enjoy, search them at the library
web site and they order and then hold them for me.
Most of the titles I've searched, they've had.
This has been such a huge help with
learning this new hobby (much cheaper too).
If there's a book I really enjoy, I put it on a list for my dear
fella and hope he gets them for me later as a gift.
This helps him because he says I'm hard to shop for so
I enjoy this way of helping him out, hehe!


  1. Your socks and dolls look perfect!

  2. WOW!! Those look great!! You're becoming QUITE the knitter!! :)

  3. Great job! Are you saving the dolls for your first granddaughters?
    But I wanted to see the skirts too!
