Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Each Day's Blessings and Prayers

Two school years ago, I had a Bible study at our home.  I invited preschool age Moms from church to attend as I wanted to encourage young Moms who are home all day.  Of course, this also created a close friendship with all the women.  One lady, named Michelle, became a close friend.  She's a very encourgaing person and VERY thoughtful.  There are many times I have burdens and she writes me and encourages me.  She's been praying for many of my friends she has never met. 
I also have her daughter, Grace in my Sunday school class.  Grace was born premature and has had many health challenges.  She came into my class right at the ripe age of 2.  She cried some in the beginning but we began to form a bond.  I love little Gracie and love to hear her yell, "Mrs Philbert"  when she sees me.
This past Novemeber, Grace had a stroke and spent many months in the hospital.  But Gracie is a fighter and came back home and back into my class.  She's a trooper.  She adds the spice of life when she's in my class.  :)

Today I got a call from our Pastor's wife that Grace was going to the hospital and her Mom wanted me to call her.  I called her but she was in the ambulance on the way.  I felt a strong desire to be with Michelle and try to encourage her.  I met her at the hospital and tried to be there for her when she needed me or a drink or a shoulder to cry on or laugh with.  I stayed with her until Grace was flown to Rochester to a better hospital to deal with her needs.  It was the saddest thing to watch that helicopter take that little body away from us but all the same praying it'll be the key to help her get better.
I kept thinking that our Heavenly Father who sees each sparrow and knows the numbers of hairs on each of our heads, also created little Gracie and knows exactly what's going on with her body. 
What a vivid reminder to me to cherish each day with my loved ones!

Gracie and her brother Josiah on July 4th

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