I can't believe it's been almost six months since
I've written.
I was thinking this morning of all the changes in that amount of time.
At Home
Yesterday I began Brendan's high
school scrapbook.
He will be graduating from high school next month. Of course,
this brings lots of changes for him and our home.
How quickly time flies and brings changes into one's life.
Addan and Titus are now becoming better with their reading.
Addan has been a bit slower to catch on, but
Titus sure has made up for Addan's slower
Titus sure has made up for Addan's slower
pace. In a way, this is nice, I can see days of doing
school together. What joy each day bring
as I hear the two of them sounding words
out as they see words around them.
The additions slowly are becoming a cozy
part of our home.
I'm so very thankful for these. I never thought
these would ever happen.
God is so good!
Two "new" cars sit in the driveway.
Jordan purchased his first
"new" car and so did Brendan. Our driveway is starting
"new" car and so did Brendan. Our driveway is starting
to look more and more like a parking lot.
It's the little changes I notice each day that bring sadness
and smiles at the same time.
No more standing on tip toes to reach onto the counter.
No more booster seat at the kitchen table.
Huge grocery bills, huge laundry piles and
huge blessings!
I'm beginning to feel rather short!
At Church
Our church is a huge part of our lives.
I've seen some changes.
I teach a teen girl Sunday School class.
I've seen so many changes in the girls' lives.
One young lady had a prayer request that was very
important to her. Each week we pray together
for special requests. Together we
prayed for her request.
The Lord was very gracious in answering this request.
This past Sunday night, she gave testimony to the whole
church about God answering that request.
The Lord is so good and personal to us!
Our church just "hired" an assistant Pastor.
He and his family will be coming this weekend.
We are so excited about this change. One of his main
responsibilities will be working with the music in our
church. My fella and boys are involved with the music program.
They will soon have another good man in the lives!
Jordan continues to teach a young boy's Sunday
School class. He is changing from one of the young
boys to leading the young boys.
Silas joined the men's softball team at church!
Hunter began helping with Jr Church the last few months.
Hunter was just looking at the calendar of all the upcoming
events. He commented, in his matter-of-fact way,
"Time is flying, this year is flying
It's so true.
Time flies and changes happen.
Some are good and some are unexpected,
but all are part of His plan.
I'm so thankful for the security of that.
For I am the LORD, I change not.
Malachi 3:6
For what is your life? It is even a vapour,
that appeareth for a little time, and
then vanisheth away.
James 4:14
Yay!!!! Oh, How I have MISSED your posts!!! Life sure is moving fast!!! Love the new addition. I sure hope I get to see it in a few weeks at the graduation!!